As inventors of a product devoted to supporting the incredible, strong resilient men and women who are raising children, we have the honor to meet some incredible people with amazing life stories. When times are hard, and you wonder how you can “do it all,” we hope you’ll find inspiration from our PodSquad. Together, we have your back!

Meet Lindsay Fredrick, mom of teen triplets and an adopted one-year-old baby & a Cradle Care mom

We met Lindsay at a Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) show in Orlando, Florida. We were so impressed by her and the service she provides as a Cradle Care parent — a family that cares for babies who are placed for adoption, but have a delay in their ability to be placed (Lindsay and her family care for them from the time they’re discharged from the hospital to when they’re ready to be transitioned to their forever homes.) — that we gifted her a Mamapod and chose her to be our newest PodSquad member!

Lindsay is the mother of four children… and has been a cradle care mom for over 20 babies and counting! She opens her home and her heart to help both infants and new adopting parents, who often need support and coaching in basic childcare skills.

With a background in Child Development and Marriage and Family Therapy, Lindsay has always been a hands-on, at-home mom to her triplets. As they grew and the family relocated to Florida, Lindsay learned about a fascinating line of work for adoption agencies: Cradle Care family. There are numerous reasons why adopting parents can’t just leave the hospital with their children, from proximity to paperwork delays and beyond. It’s the adoption agency’s job to do their due diligence to ensure best outcomes for the babies — and it’s Cradle Care parents like Lindsay who keep the infants safe and well taken care of for anywhere from just overnight to weeks or even months until they’re ready to settle into their forever homes.

“I am just doing what I love, and that's taking care of babies! I always tell people, you know when you are happy to get up and go to work, and your job seems effortless? Yeah, that's how I feel working with these little ones. Plus it keeps me in the baby product world, which I have always been fascinated with since I was really little — funny how those things circle around in life!"

It’s not an understatement to call Lindsay a “professional mom.” Just as she cares for new babies, she also helps take care of new parents’ needs. She once even had an adoptive dad ask to borrow her diaper bag so he could take it to a baby store to recreate it exactly as she’d stocked it. Parents and children alike depend on Lindsay for reliability and loving, practical guidance. Her job as a Cradle Care mom has expanded Lindsay’s horizons in many ways — most profoundly by providing her family with the opportunity to welcome their own adopted son in 2018.

Why Lindsay 💚s Mampod

Lindsay told us she wishes she would’ve had a Mamapod when her triplets were little — but she’s so glad she has one now. While she can’t use the Mamapod with the newborns she cares for because they are too small, she loves using it with her own baby, who she admits is a “super squirmy and mobile toddler.”

“We have been house hunting, and I love using the Mamapod because it’s so easy to put the baby on the seat, and then take him off to let him explore, over and over again while we walk the model homes. The convenience factor is huge!”

Living in Florida, Lindsay especially enjoys being able to unzip the carrier portion and still safely and comfortably use just the seat part so she can still be close to the baby without becoming overheated. Love is, as Lindsay knows, taking care of every last detail for safety, comfort and security of our children.